Meet Shellie

Hi everyone! I’m Shellie, and I’m honored to welcome you to my website,”The Powers Of”, which is focused on ‘Good Vibrations’ via activation, guidance, transformation and learning, or as I call it, “Soul Solutions”. Energy work was never on my radar growing up in a small village in southern Michigan. At that time, people were still raising their eyebrows about chiropractors and acupuncturists.
I can recall a few things I experienced as a child that I couldn’t explain, but never thought much about. Shortly after I moved to Florida to continue my education, I started noticing more things happening that weren’t common for others, eventually experiencing dreams that would come true within a six-month period, but never in my control, only that I’d wake with a knowingness that it was ‘one of those’, and whatever I recalled dreaming about was going to happen in the future.
A Little Story About The Powers Of Intuition.
One morning, I woke with an overpowering feeling that I didn’t belong in Florida anymore. It was something I couldn’t explain. I had lived in Florida for 15 years or so, and loved everything about it. I never expected to leave, but the feeling was similar to the knowingness of my dreams that were destined to become deja vu, only stronger. It was confusing, but something that I couldn’t shake, even though I had no idea where it was that I was supposed to go.
Over a period of a few months, San Diego, CA, started popping up in various ways, and even though I had never had any desire to live in California, or to move anywhere on the west coast, it now felt so comfortable that I didn’t even question it.
Grief Turned My World Upside Down.
While I was still trying to figure out the logistics of moving, I received word of a very dear friends unexpected passing at the young age of 36. I was familiar with grief, but had always found my way through it, until that day. I was known to be a strong personality type and if anyone had told me that my life was about to go from A to Z, I would have told them that there was no way anything like that could ever happen to me, but I was wrong.
It was later determined that I was in shock after my friends death for about 18 months. I wasn’t really aware of the changes occurring within me at the time that everything was happening, and anything that I was aware of, I didn’t want to worry anyone and kept it from my family and friends back east. I only knew one person in San Diego who had known me prior, but he didn’t know me well enough to be able to recognize the 180 degree change in my appearance, personality, etc. Since I was adamant that I did not want to be put on a Rx or sit through traditional therapy, I tried to just find my way, but it wasn’t working. It took me five years to begin to ask for help, and as we all know, when we are ready, doors begin to open… I found myself being introduced to non-traditional healing modalities of various types. I would do the work for periods of time and then take a break once I’d have a break-through. This continued, on and off, healing layers as they surfaced, before I finally started to feel like the old ‘me’ again, only now, I was a new and better version of that old ‘me’.
I share this because it was this extended journey of healing that brought me to experience everything that I am trained in today, and more. If it helped me, and there was a class to take, I was there. California would have never made my list of places I’d consider living, but made good sense as my life began to come full circle. I now understand how my internal system could have already known the journey I was about to embark upon, and am glad that I trusted that it was for my highest good.
There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel.
If you find yourself feeling out of balance, out of sync, unable to move forward in all that you can see in your minds eye, or stuck in any type of struggle, like grief, I have a deep understanding from my own personal experience and am trained in multiple energy healing modalities to help to assist you through your personal journey. No two journeys are the same as we ascend to a higher level of consciousness, in the same way that no two people grieve the same. In both, there is a “stuckness”, if you will, with various layers for us to expand, heal and transform. In grief, every death is different for each of us, but grief isn’t only about the death of a person, we can also feel grief when a job or relationship ends, or when we become “empty nesters”, and too many are suffering in silence, or struggling unnecessarily, as I did. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and I am here to help you find yours again.
If you find yourself questioning where to start, I encourage you to go to the section of my website that you are drawn to, or that speaks to you the most. If you ever have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
In gratitude,
Shellie Powers,
Shellie Powers began training in 2010, and continues to add to her ‘energetic tool box’ as the years continue.
Distance Healing or Reading, (D), is as effective as In Person Healing or Reading, (IP). Many prefer distance healing over in person healing to allow themselves more time in the relaxed state that each session provides without the time constraint of an in person session. Distance Healing begins with a short phone call or video chat to prep you. Distance Consultation/Reading take place via video conferencing, and includes an MP3 of the session.
Over the years, Shellie has earned certifications in the following:
Certified Practitioner of:
Reconnective Healing, Level I & II, (D, IP)
The Reconnection, Level III – This is a two day process that is (IP) only.
The Universal Sphere® Activation, (D, IP)
The 111 Activation, (D, IP)
The Tree of Life Crystalline Activation, (D, IP)
The Akashic Records, Readings, (D, IP)
The Akashic Records; Past Lives, Energy Healing and Ancestral Clearing, (D, IP)
The Akashic Records, Healing Through the Akashic Records, (D, IP)
Reiki, Level I, II, III, Master (D, IP)
Note: Offered as session(s) or as hypnosis meditation.
Advanced Certified Teacher, using Pathway Prayer Process © , Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies of:
The Akashic Records, Certified Practitioner
The Akashic Records, Certified Advanced Practitioner
The Akashic Records, Healing through the Akashic Records
Shellie Powers is not a physician and make no claims, promises or guarantees. See our website Disclaimer for further details, at